Archive for Marriage

Photo: Our Bundle of Joy

Nehemiah is growing and growing stronger every day. We thank the Lord for our little one. Baby, Mommy, and Daddy are all doing well. Thank you for all of the kind words, and prayer before during and after his birth. More and better photos to come, however, we are posting a picture, by popular request!

Nehemiah Schmidt Loomis


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Baby Praise has arrived!

We rejoice to announce the arrival of  our little “Baby Praise” – Nehemiah Schmidt Loomis!

Yesterday, June 14th, at 3:53 p.m. the Lord brought our son into the world! Nehemiah weighed 9lb. 3oz. at birth, and is 21″ long. He has thin, light reddish hair, and beautiful blue eyes.

Nehemiah means compassion of the Lord. His middle name, Schmidt, is named after his great Grandfather.

Rebecca and Nehemiah are recovering wonderfully. Thank you for all your prayers for the safe arrival of this little one.

Pictures to follow in time.


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In the final month of pregnancy!!!

God has been so good to us. We have made it to the final month of pregnancy with our precious little person—Baby Praise. : ) We treasure your prayers as we enter the next phase of shepherding our little one.

Here are a few pictures of the happy mommy and baby in the womb. Any guesses as to if it’s a boy or a girl?! : )

Excited to meet our sweet baby soon!! » Continue reading “In the final month of pregnancy!!!”

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Still here, and still pregnant!

We recently celebrated Steven’s birthday with a visit to the “Computer History Museum”!

It’s been a while since you heard from us, dear readers. We are well  in the Lord, and grateful for His continued mercies.

A few months ago, we had some significant challenges with pre-term labor and accompanying strict bed-rest for Rebecca and baby. God was so good to end the contractions. We are very happy to report, things seem to be settled and simmering along nicely with our precious Baby Praise. Thank you for all your prayers!

Speaking of Baby Praise, we are having lots of fun with them lately, enjoying all their sweet little kicks! And, just for the record, there is just one baby, not two. : )

Our sister Sarah did a family photo shoot for us when she was out visiting, helping us start preparing our home for Baby Praise. Thank you Sarah for all the fun pictures!

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