Archive for June, 2012

Life Around the Loomis Home

Check out for some more pictures from the last week with our precious son Nehemiah!

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Nehemiah: more pictures from his Aunt

FYI: More pictures of Nehemiah were posted by his Aunt Sarah at The Serven Clan.


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Photo: Our Bundle of Joy

Nehemiah is growing and growing stronger every day. We thank the Lord for our little one. Baby, Mommy, and Daddy are all doing well. Thank you for all of the kind words, and prayer before during and after his birth. More and better photos to come, however, we are posting a picture, by popular request!

Nehemiah Schmidt Loomis


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Baby Praise has arrived!

We rejoice to announce the arrival of  our little “Baby Praise” – Nehemiah Schmidt Loomis!

Yesterday, June 14th, at 3:53 p.m. the Lord brought our son into the world! Nehemiah weighed 9lb. 3oz. at birth, and is 21″ long. He has thin, light reddish hair, and beautiful blue eyes.

Nehemiah means compassion of the Lord. His middle name, Schmidt, is named after his great Grandfather.

Rebecca and Nehemiah are recovering wonderfully. Thank you for all your prayers for the safe arrival of this little one.

Pictures to follow in time.


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